Friday, November 18, 2016

Holiday Survival 21 Day Accountability Group

Holiday Survival 21 Day Accountability Group

I can’t believe it’s that time again!  Where the heck has 2016 gone?  I feel like I blinked and now we are getting ready for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.  This time of year is meant to be full of gratitude, thankfulness, good cheer and happiness.  Although, I find that a lot of times we are more stressed out both financially and physically.  We are placing demands on ourselves to buy the best gifts, to look and feel our best and meet everyone’s needs.  That is just not realistic!  Society paints this picture of perfection during the holidays.  You know, the perfect family, the perfectly decorated house, the fit family and everyone is just HAPPY!  Let’s face it…. real life is not like that. My kids are off their routine, they are pumped for Santa so they are not sleeping, we are bribing them to be good for Santa, school is busier, we are all trying to get everything done before the holiday comes.  So guess what happens?  We, you know, the MOM, the woman that holds it all together, the glue in the family… well… we fall apart!  We find reasons why we don’t have time for ourselves.  We are in a hurry 24/7 so we don’t eat healthy, we grab food on the fly, we don’t stay hydrated, we get less sleep and of course the workout goes out the window!  So many people just figure they will start in January when life slows down.

Truthfully, we need to stick together now more than ever!  We have to find a way to keep each other accountable, to stay on track, to keep each other from getting stressed and remember how blessed we are.  It’s time to take charge of you!  You deserve it.

Repeat AFTER Me:  It is not selfish to put yourself first for 30 minutes per day.  It is not selfish to take time to eat healthy.  It is not selfish to kindly decline the endless cookie tray.  It is not selfish to make healthy decisions for your life.
What IS Selfish:  Is not taking care of your body and then having health issues because of something you could control.  Think about how the decisions you make now will affect the little eyes in your life and how it is shaping their beliefs about food, exercise and life.  Our kids are like little sponges and the things that you do and say will become their belief as well.
It’s time to step up and take charge of YOU!  Control the Controllable!  
The Holiday 21 Day Accountability Group isn’t about being perfect.  It isn’t about giving up everything that you enjoy and love over the holidays.  The Holiday 21 Day Survival Accountability Group is about balance, it’s about enjoying what you love and passing on the things that don’t bring you joy.  It’s about making time for you every week and fueling yourself with positivity so that you can be a shining light of hope and thankfulness during the holiday season!

How would you feel if you were healthier, fitter, more positive on December 25th?  Would you be happier, more confident, more patient and thriving?  If so then here is the scoop!  I want you to join me on December 5th for my closed online Accountability & Support Group called the Holiday 21 Day Survival Accountability Group.
  • I am going to match you up with a Beachbody fitness program that meets your  needs. We will discuss that and find what is going to work best for you and your ability level.
  • Each person is required to commit to 30 days of Shakeology for this group.  This is 1 nutrient dense meal (not a protein shake or weight loss shake) that you won’t even have to plan out or second guess.  It will simplify the meal planning process, give your body good nutrition to boost your immune system, give you natural energy, and help keep you full for 2 1/2 to 3 hours.  It tastes great and is easy to take on the go with our busy lives.
  • Each person is required to have ME as their coach!  Sign up to have me as your coach, Create Free Account
  • Each person is required to check in to our closed group daily.  Be an active participant and rock the results

In return I am going to:
  •          Help you create a healthy clean meal plan that works for you and your family.
  •         Teach you how to plan out your meals, grocery shop and give you lists of snack ideas and recipes.
  •         I am going to give you weekly and daily motivation, accountability and tips to keep you on track.
  •         24/7 access to our closed support group and access to all of the programs through Beachbody On Demand which is our live streaming.

Does this sound like something you would like to do?
It’s time to join:  
Complete the application below and I will contact you within 24 hours to get started.  If you are already working with a coach please do not join!  If you do not have a coach that you are working with complete the application below.
To join the conversation on Facebook click here to join the event:  Holiday 21 Day Survival Accountinility Group

The group begins on the 5th of December and goes until December 25th.  Don’t worry about being perfect, I don’t expect perfection I just expect effort!  Let’s have fun and stay accountable together.

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